Wave One is a commercial hub situated in Sector 18 Noida. It is one of the most sought after locations for property investment purposes, due to its prime location and close proximity to corporate offices, malls and other amenities. Wave One offers both ready-to-move office space as well as bare shell office space options for potential investors looking to invest in property.
The resale price list of Wave One provides an overview of the current market rates at which these properties can be purchased or sold off by existing owners/investors who are looking for a quick exit from their investments. The prices vary depending on various factors such as size, location within the complex etc., but generally range between Rs 11000- 12000 per sq ft (approx). Additionally, there are also attractive deals available on bulk purchases that help buyers get better value out of their investments.
Finally ,for those seeking bare shell spaces ,Wave one has several options ranging from 500 sq ft onwards with prices starting at around Rs 12500/- per sq ft . These units come with basic infrastructure already installed like electricity connections , water supply lines etc., making them ideal choices if you’re planning on constructing your own customized workspace according to your specific needs and requirements . Hence it goes without saying that whether you’re looking for ready-to-move or empty spaces – Wave One Noida has something suitable across all budgets ! More help visit My Site:- http://waveonenoida.in/